10 Fun and Memorable Activities for Visitation Days with Your Child

Visitation days are a precious opportunity for divorced parents to bond with their children and create lasting memories. Making the most of this time can strengthen your relationship and provide a sense of stability and joy for your child. Here are ten fantastic activities to consider for your next visitation day.

1. Visit a Local Park or Nature Trail

Parks offer a great mix of activities, from playgrounds to walking trails. Enjoying nature, playing on swings, or having a picnic can be a fun and relaxing way to spend time together. Consider going for a hike or a bike ride. Exploring trails, discovering new plants, and watching wildlife can be a refreshing and invigorating way to spend the day.

2. Explore a Museum or Science Center, Zoo or Aquarium

Educational outings can be both fun and enriching. Museums and science centers often have interactive exhibits that can captivate children’s curiosity and provide opportunities for learning together. Zoos and aquariums are excellent places to explore and learn about animals and marine life. Watching animals, attending shows, and participating in feeding times can be exciting and educational for children.

3. Go on a Scavenger Hunt

 Create your own scavenger hunt or find one on-line. Depending on the age of the child, a scavenger hunt can be done around your house, in a mall, park or museum. Some museums will even have a scavenger hunt app you can use. Searching for the items together and coming up with creative ideas can promote camaraderie and bonding.

4. Have a Movie or Game Night

Sometimes, staying in can be just as enjoyable as going out. Plan a movie marathon with your child's favorite films or set up a game night with board games, card games, or video games. This can be a cozy and fun way to bond.

5. Do Arts and Crafts

Unleash your creativity with an arts and crafts session. Painting, drawing, building models, or making jewelry can be enjoyable activities that also allow for some great conversation and shared creativity.

6. Reading or Storytelling

You can read an age-appropriate book aloud with your child and discuss. Analyze the actions and motivations of the characters and what you would do in their place. Describe the time period or location. Just bear in mind that this is meant as a fun, bonding experience, not a school assignment so keep the mood light, fun and interesting. Alternatively, write a story together. Take turns writing sentences and be surprised at where you end up. Take turns telling each other fun, silly or even scary stories.

7. Cook or Bake Together

Cooking or baking can be a fun and educational activity. Choose a recipe together, go shopping for ingredients, and then enjoy creating and eating your meal. This can teach children valuable life skills and create delicious memories.

8. Visit an Amusement Park or Fair

For a day filled with excitement, consider visiting an amusement park or local fair. The rides, games, and attractions provide endless entertainment and can make for a memorable outing.

9. Attend a Sporting Event, Play Sports or Exercise Together

If your child enjoys sports, attending a local game or match can be thrilling. Alternatively, you can play a sport together, whether it’s kicking a soccer ball, shooting hoops, or playing catch. Other kids might enjoy doing yoga or Zumba with their parent. This can promote physical activity and teamwork.

10. Volunteer Together

Volunteering can be a rewarding way to spend time together and teach your child the value of helping others. Choose a cause that you both care about, such as an animal shelter, food bank, or community garden. Working together to make a difference can be a fulfilling experience for both of you.

Visitation days are an important time for divorced parents to connect with their children and create positive experiences. By planning engaging and meaningful activities, you can ensure that your time together is enjoyable and memorable. Whether it’s exploring nature, getting creative, or simply spending quality time at home, these activities can strengthen your bond and help your child feel loved and valued.


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